Band Moms…

Photo by Adrienn on

Keeping friendships going doesn’t just happen. You have to put in the time. We all have friends that we may not talk to for months, and then one of you calls, and you pick up right where you left off. But what if one of you doesn’t call? You can go a long time without communicating, and, let’s face it, the relationship may just fizzle out over time. Such is not the case with my band mom friends.

It started back when the kids were in middle school. We’d see each other at concerts and other events related to the beginning band, concert band, and eventually symphonic band and higher. But high school, ahh, that’s when the work began. You see, the kids started marching band. Marching band is a very involved process for the band members, and with all the work they put in, the kids became the best of friends. But a really cool thing happened. The moms became the best of friends as well.

With summer band camp, carpooling to and from practices, football games, and competitions, the moms got to know each other very well. And we formed bonds that continue, even now that our kids have graduated high school and moved on to their next adventures. How do we keep our friendships fresh and going seven years after our kids graduated?

I credit one band mom, Carolyn, with being the glue that holds us together. She is our social coordinator, and every month or two she reaches out in a group chat and facilitates our lunches. Sometimes everyone makes it, while other times someone is tied up and can’t join in. But getting together every couple of months ensures that we keep the friendships fresh, and they can stand the test of time.

How about you? Do you have friends you haven’t communicated with in a while? Give them a call and invite them to lunch.

Stay groovy…


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